Single Review: Eugene McGuinness – Wendy Wonders

This is the third single to be lifted from Liverpool boy wonder Eugene
McGuinness’ self-titled debut album from 2008, and easily the best. For
those who have some catching up to do, it starts off gently enough with some
simple strumming and that distinctive voice, which reminds of Ray Davies or
even John Lennon. The song swells up sweetly like a love-bite before the
surprising conclusion: “I’m a fucked up little sub-zero psycho, I know.”

Single Review: James Yuill – Over the Hills

James Yuill’s latest single; Over the Hills is a track that stays true to the ‘folktronic’ vibe that he is increasingly becoming recognised for. His use of electronics provides a cushion for his gentle vocals and lyrics such as, “Here is the house where you grew up laughing”, create a quirky nostalgia you can get lost in.

Album Review: Zoey Van Goey – The Cage Was Unlocked All Along

Who is Zoey Van Goey? According to the band, who are still trying to locate her, she’s a Pennsylvanian Amish girl who got involved in the 1980s Manhattan street art movement, later moving to Berlin, and then disappearing after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Now, with inspired backstories such as this, you’d think they’d have little imagination and creativity left for an album. This is definitely not the case.