Blitzen Trapper
Alessi offers free download of her Lynyrd Skynyrd cover
Lovely folkette Alessi has recorded an off-the-cuff cover of Lynyrd Skynyrd’s classic ‘Simple Man’, which is available to download free.
Live Review: This is the Kit @ Islington Union Chapel, Sat 9 May 2009
You know it’s almost summer when… it’s still light outside and the first support band are ready to take to the stage. And so it is when Jesse and Kate softly tread onto the stage this evening.
Tonight, playing as an acoustic duo and blessed with Kate’s aqua pure voice and Jesse’s delicate abilities across a variety of instrumentals (guitar, piano, violin, banjo, percussion, baritone), This is the Kit wow the early birds at ElectroAcoustic’s fifth birthday bash.
Single Review: Theoretical Girl – Rivals
Theoretical Girl, who is, in fact, a living, breathing and rather nifty singer-songwriter from Southend on Sea, offers a hint of evolution on her new single, ‘Rivals’.
Album Review: Sad Day For Puppets – Unknown Colours
Sad Day For Puppets are Scandinavia’s latest contribution to the UK music scene. With thoughts of Aqua, Alphabeat and ABBA, I approached them with unnecessary caution, as on the strength of this album, Sad Day For Colours have cemented their place on my summer’s playlist.