The magnificent Mumford and Sons will be at Standon Calling festival which will take place in the Hertfordshire countryside July 31st to August 2nd.
Johnny Flynn: Flowerpot gig tomorrow, new EP, summer dates + album news
We’re delighted to say that Johnny Flynn is to play at the Flowerpot on Kentish Town Road tomorrow (25th June), before he heads over to Hyde Park on Friday to support Neil Young, as you do.
Free pianos across London in June and July
Have you ever spent hours with an infuriatingly playable tune occupying your skull, with no instrument upon which to sate your desires? Have you wasted hours desperately seeking out anything with playable keys, only to collapse in a heap, eventually crawling to your nearest Pimm’s distributor for liquid solace?
Noah and the Whale gig now half price, Jay Jay Pistolet to support + album news
Noah and the Whale’s top secret ‘hidden’ gig on the behalf of Crisis, a homeless charity takes place this Wednesday. Well, it was top-secret until today, but now we can tell you it’s at the Roundhouse.
Alessi’s Ark, Left with Pictures and Thomas Truax take to the waves
Propounders of all sounds lovely, Moonshine Jamboree, have commenced a series of musical adventures on the majestic river Thames aboard the good ship Tamesis, a converted barge which has come a long way since its birth in 1930s Holland.
Ones to watch: The Agitator
Derek Meins, previously known as “The Famous Poet” and the voice of Eastern Lane has joined forces with human drum machine Robert Dylan Thomas to create something in a league of its own.