Glastonbury for folkies

It’s that time of year again where people will be packing their wellies, baby wipes and cider and heading to Somerset for the highlight of many people’s summer, Glastonbury Festival. Taking place from the 26th to the 28th June, with only a week to go until the mayhem begins here’s the rundown to the bands you wont want to miss this summer, no matter how sunburnt/drenched/drunk/hung-over you may be!

Album: Pagan Wanderer Lu – Fight My Battles For Me

The beauty of Pagan Wanderer Lu isn’t that no two songs sound the same, it’s that no song ends the same as it begins with each track a miniature musical journey. And while your tour guide may be full of charming and witty anecdotes about places of local interest, driving the bus is an escapee from a high security institution coming down from a six week bender. Thus the energy of Fight My Battles For Me is motorway pile-up of musical styles and ideas.