Domino records are never happy. Already having given us superb stuff from the likes of Eugene McGuinness, Lightspeed Champion and Cass McCombs, they now have released King Creosote’s latest album Flick the Vs. No One had It Better is taken off this album which is roughly Creosote A.K.A Kenny Anderson’s fortieth release.
Review: Latitude festival 2009
At four years old, Latitude has grown out of toddlerdom and is now walking happily on its own two (eco-friendly) feet. It has developed into a wonderful family-friendly festival that is the darling of the liberal media and the middle classes. But such a reputation cannot be built upon vegan food stalls and top-notch recycling alone; no, Latitude Festival is built instead upon that most solid of all foundations – damn good entertainment! Whilst the festival is indeed ‘more than just a music festival’ with its impressive array of cabaret, comedy, literary and poetry acts, it is the music I wish to talk about.
Album: Duke Garwood: The Sand That Falls
Duke Garwood’s album is the first of this kind of music I have really paid attention to. What kind is it? Good question. From what I’ve heard I would call it a mix of folk, jazz, experimental and blues, but I would assume each listener has a different perspective.
FFS Interview: The Woe Betides
Our attempts to be in the same room at the same time as the Woe Betides failed pathetically, so this conversation went on over email. Learn all about this terrific twosome, who will be touring in August and September.
FFS Schmercury shortlist announced. Get voting!
It’s been a tough weekend here at FFS HQ, but through bitterly fought arguments, desperate whittling down and some pretty poor attempts at using maths to help us choose, the FFS Schmercury shortlist for 2009 is ready for your listening pleasure.
Alessi’s artwork on show in Hammersmith
As many of you will know, Alessi Laurent-Marke, able captain of Alessi’s Ark, does much more than writing scintillating, magical folk songs. She’s the worthy purveyor of a delectable variety of handmade and lovely things via her blog, and she’s rather keen on having a scribble with the ol’ felt tips.