This Sunday’s free Bandstand Busk will be a particularly special one, so far as FFS are concerned, featuring as it will two of our very favourite bands. Troubador and -esses Peggy Sue, and bigger-than-a-football team Sons of Noel and Adrian will be appearing at Northampton Square Bandstand from 3pm on Sunday, 6th September.
First Aid Kit – Hard Believer Video
The future of music (woe is me)
Latest free downloads
We’ve noticed that one could build up rather a lovely collection of music just through the free downloads bands offer. Here we’ll be collecting the best of what we find.
Q&A with Schmercuries nominee John Blain Hunt of Butcher Boy
Over the coming weeks FFS will be submitting the same set of questions to the Schmercury nominees. Today, John Blain Hunt answers on behalf of Butcher Boy, who are nominated for their second album React or Die.
Single: Malcolm Middleton – Zero
Even Malcolm Middleton, arguably the most angsty front-man around, has embraced this year’s electronic revolution. Zero, taken from Malcolm’s fifth solo album Waxing Gibbous, is a slight departure from his usual guitar heavy songs. His inclusion of electronic drum beats and keys may even give it a greater chance of reaching the heights of the charts than his 2007 Christmas hope We’re All Going to Die, which reached a dizzying Top 40 slot.