Brian’s mixtape #7: End of the Road

Brian is still reeling from the fantastic time he had at End of the Road festival a week ago. The weather was beautiful, the bands were great. And among his fellow festival-goers were lovelies from Trash Aesthetic, The Yellow Bird Project and Anika (the one In London).

Single: Mumford and Sons – Little Lion Man

Fans of Mumford and Sons have waited a painfully long time for their debut album, Sigh No More, which is finally due for release on 5th October. One week before, the waistcoat-sporting gents will release the single “Little Lion Man”. We can all breathe a collective sigh of musical relief.

Single: Fanfarlo – The Walls are Coming Down

Fanfarlo’s newest single, from the magnificent album Reservoir, might have something rather pertinent to say to our suited and booted friends in the city:

“They swallowed it whole, they went for the gold, for the gold / We fall for the same lies we all have the same shoes to fit / The preachers and books of your empire will fight here alone / Some day the will be forgotten and die one by one”