EP: Treetop Flyers — To Bury the Past

Reid Morrison’s gentle, yearning voice opens this timeless gem of an EP as he introduces the troubled protagonist of ‘Mountain Song’, before raw guitar and subtle harmonies melt into the beautifully crafted tale, and rather than burying the past, this London-based band marrying minds from both sides of the Atlantic effortlessly transport you to a different musical time and place entirely.

Anika recommends: She Keeps Bees

What’s the worst thing that could happen to a bee keeper? I guess it would be to have your beloved bees turn on you whilst simultaneously discovering you are alergic to bee stings. Ack! Lets not wish that upon anyone. Jessica Larrabee and Andy LaPlant spent the entire summer (BEE SEASON) in the UK, visiting all the way from Brooklyn, playing dozens of shows.