I’ve never really had much positive to say about British rap, or rap at all for that matter, but Gideon Conn’s unique sound is certainly refreshing for someone whose sensitive ears have only ever been subjected to the likes of Dizzee…
Album: Mayer Hawthorne – A Strange Arrangement
Modern day smooth operator Mayer Hawthorne has made a striking impression with this distinct and energetic debut. It harps back to the golden days of soul and silky smooth love songs that make the female population’s knees tremble. Mayer Hawthorne’s (a.k.a Andrew…
Broadcast 2000 releases album in SUPERFANBUNDLE format
Broadcast 2000, friends to FFS and recent gardeners at The Allotment, have decided to indulge in a bit of merchandise madness for 2010. In celebration of the arrival of their eponymous debut album on 15th February. If you want to…
Noah and the Whale release details of new album
Following the myriad successes of film-album combo First Days of Spring, which won Noah and the Whale much critical acclaim and shattered aortas left, right and centre, details of Fink and Co.’s next LP have been released. Tantalising they are…
Alessi’s Ark to embark on MEGA TOUR
Well goodness me Alessi is going to be one busy songstress in 2010. Her touring schedule is already extensive and it only takes us up to April. The Ark has plans to tour with Sons of Noel and Adrian, Rachael…
Brian’s Mixtape #20: The Big Freeze
Brr… it’s cold. Being a sensible sort of chap, Brian’s not going outside until all this horrid weather is over. You might think it’s better for owls, what with their ability to fly and all, but our poor mixtape maker faces the daily threat of having his wings frozen together and falling from the sky. Plop. Quite apart from being sore, it’d be awfully undignified, and Brian has a reputation to protect.
Instead he’s going to stay in with a delicious bowl of mouse soup and listen to the lovely tunes he’s cobbled together. Some about the cold and a couple that are just songs he’s discovered and loves.