Live: Sparrow & the Workshop @ Wimbledon Watershed

Each musician in Sparrow & the Workshop brings their own musical ingredient. Frontwoman and acoustic guitarist Jill O’Sullivan’s country vocals are cuttingly pure — but more haunting banshee than soothing angel. Gregor Donaldson is a phenomenal drummer, his dexterity is sometimes astonishing. As well as that he’s that most elusive of things, a singing percussionist, whose warm Scottish baritone adds harmonic depth to Jill’s vocals. Guitarist and bassist Nick Packer scuzzes things up nicely with a layer of distortion and noise.

Brian’s Mixtape #26: Down In One

I expect you’re wondering what Brian’s excuse is this time? The silly old owl asked for your suggestions for drinking songs on his twitter @LordBrianWilson on Monday, then duly spent the day glugging acorn wine while listening to them. It…