There’s something homely about Larsen B, and we don’t mean their Home Counties background. The debut album, Musketeer, was recorded on a parent’s farm and features the local postman on accordion. But however it was put together, it’s picking up…
FFS New Bands Panel: Georgia Bruce
It doesn’t quite seem believable that emerging London talent Georgia Bruce is still a teenager. So much so we had to send in the panel to make sure it was actually true. Anna Mellor: After only hearing one track by…
Jay Jay Pistolet’s new band first track revealed
Jay Jay Pistolet’s “new direction”, much speculated about since he hung up his acoustic guitar last year, was revealed recently. He’s the singer with new London-based rock ‘n’ rollers The Vaccines. There’s not much info about the band to be…
Album: The Burns Unit – Side Show
‘Supergroup’ is one of those terms that gets thrown out there all the time. Two or three folks get together from different bands for a side project, and suddenly its a supergroup. Except usually it’s not. Usually it’s not nearly…
Brian’s Mixtape #42: Cake and Coffee
After his Schmercury playlist triumph, Brian is taking another mixtape-making breather, but that’s not to say you’re missing out on a playlist of treats, oh no. Even though his usual meal of choice would be acorn wine and some barbecued…
EP: Sufjan Stevens – All Delighted People
All Delighted People is a collection of songs as bound to disappoint some as it is to enthuse others, and though it is perhaps mismatched as an album, it is not formed to be one.