FFS New Bands Panel: Matthew Moss

Liverpool’s Matthew Moss has recently put out his second self-produced EP I Am Gone, a five-track collection that comes with an attractive animated film. But how does the music sound? Shaun McCoy: Liverpool folk-rock artist Matthew Moss presents a quintet…

Album: Snowblink – Long Live

Snowblink’s Long Live is a threatening album.  That is to say, this completely superb album threatens to surprise the listener with unexpected and appropriate moments.  It is clear from the beginning — a track called ‘Rut and Nuzzle’ — that Daniela…

Live: Lissie @ Heaven, London

Lissie played a sold out gig at London’s Heaven, but not without the help of her trusty superglue.  She followed a storming set from Brighton four piece Ramona, who were first to take to the venue’s lofty stage.  They provided a…