1. Hello, please introduce yourself and your music to the uninitiated I’m a songwriter and psychotherapist. Those are my two things that I think are most descriptive of me. The music is folk music with some other stuff on their…
Album: PJ Harvey – Let England Shake
‘Let England Shake’, commands the title track of this, Polly Harvey’s latest studio album. And after just one listen, I can confirm that this small corner of the West Country is very shaky indeed. The excitement isn’t just a hangover…
Album: The Flowing – Garden of England
Every now and again it comes to pass that an album shuffles its way sideways into your collection and sets up camp in your consciousness without so much as a ‘by your leave’. Suddenly you’re singing along to songs you…
Amos Zimmerman
Folk’n’roll artist Amos Zimmerman hails from Israel and creates ‘music that wants to look you in the eye’. His debut album with handy musicians The Riverband has been playing on the panel’s stereo… Nico Franks: Curiously, Amos’ surname suggests lineage…
Album: Sea of Bees — Songs for the Ravens
There’s something of the Scandinavian about Julie Baenziger and her one-woman band, Sea of Bees, which may come as a surprise to this Californian native but I can assure her that it’s a compliment. Perhaps it’s the ethereal quality to…