Endless Knot

Endless Knot are a Coventry based celtic-folk ska and reggae band.  They have a lot of members and play a mad array of instruments.  Their album Streets Ahead is available now… Matt Collins: Endless Knot’s Myspace page announces that Marc…

Cecille Grey

Nottingham based four piece Cecille Grey have been together for just over a year – already a fixture on the live scene and making a noise on BBC 6Music, the panel moved in to check them out… Tom Moyser: Cecille…

Album: Hannah Peel – The Broken Wave

Since making its first appearance on her Tra Mhor EP, The Almond Tree, which opens Hannah Peel’s excellent debut album The Broken Wave, has acquired some beefy percussion, a swaggering bass line and some Grandaddy-esque beepy synthesiser arpeggios. It’s quite…