Some voices were meant to go together. And it will only take a few moments of Barton Hollow opener 20 Years for the uninitiated to realise that John Paul White and Joy Williams were born to sing together. Like the…
Album: Four Quartets – Paragon of Animals
Rob Sharples, the man behind Four Quartets, is a man who delights in his musical material and indulges technical proficiency; his debut, Paragon of Animals, is a fourteen-track rumble through ever-entwining major and minor chords and impressively warm vocal harmonies…
Singles review: Benjamin Francis Leftwich; The Epstein; Just Handshakes (We’re British); Melodica, Melody + Me
Benjamin Francis Leftwich – Pictures EP (Dirty Hit) Pictures is Benjamin Francis Leftwich’s second EP and it is more of everything that was good about last year’s A Million Miles Out EP. Again it is Leftwich’s voice, ethereal and airy…
Jackson Hewitt
Barry Jackson and Ian Hewitt have not been a band for long – but now their debut album is out on the Ipothosis label and they are already garnering good reviews. The panel decided to check them out… Nicole Ocran:…
News: Download track from Glastonbury contest winners Treetop Flyers
The Treetop Flyers have earned a slot on the main stage at Glastonbury this year after winning the festival’s Emerging Talent Contest, so to celebrate, here’s a taste of their forthcoming EP in the form of a free download of…
10 questions with…Marcus Foster
In the week that his Tumble Down EP is released, Marcus Foster has taken the time to answer our gently probing questions. For anyone who may not have heard your music before, can you describe it to us in less…