Take Care, Take Care, Take Care is standard Explosions in the Sky fare: thoughtful, aurally and melodically indulgent, it’s an exuberant pleasure. Opening track ‘Last Known Surroundings’, typically loud, sweeps through epic guitar arrangements and definitely signals that the band…
FFS’s pick of the Southbank Centre Festival of Britain
There’s not much lovelier than a stroll along Southbank in the Spring sunshine, so it seems the perfect place for the 4-month long Festival of Britain, starting this month at the Southbank Centre. The festival will feature music of all…
Album: Admiral Fallow – Boots Met My Face
From time to time an album comes along that you know you will fall in love with even before the first song has come to an end – Boots Met My Face, the debut from Glaswegian quintet, Admiral Fallow is,…
Album: Bill Callahan – Apocalypse
Apocalypse is Callahan’s third studio offering since dropping the Smog moniker, and it is in many ways familiar territory: full of lessons learned the hard way, animals and the land, wry self-scathing philosophy, and everywhere the value of endurance. Musically…
Album: Sarabeth Tucek – Get Well Soon
Before we start I should point out that I don’t think of myself as the kind of person who is prone to hyperbole. In fact I’m probably the least likely person in the history of…like…ever to exaggerate. That being said,…
Tessa Bickers
Granddaughter of a WWII flying ace and sometime contributor to FFS, Tessa Bickers has an EP The Hangover Sessions and album Pot Luck – both on the tiny Small Dog label. She has supported The Inspiral Carpets, soundtracked George Osbourne’s…