Maple Leaves

Maple Leaves are a trio who have gone from meeting at a Glasgow open mic night to supporting the likes of Zoey Van Goey, playing T In The Park and appearing on BBC1.  Their debut EP Golden Ether is getting…

Album: Dodos – No Color

Dodos are one of those bands who dangle in musical purgatory, regarded highly enough to have fans but not enough to have fanfare. This is a real shame because the quality of songs on their debut release Visitor and sophomore…

Glass Ankle

Japanese-influenced trio Glass Ankle are named after band mastermind Greg Jackson’s football injuries.  Their debut EP If You’ve Been There is available now, as is new single Kyo Wa Ii Hi – which means ‘Today is a good day’ and…

Album: Rubik – Solar

We’ll admit we don’t follow the Finnish music scene that closely, but were any of us to do so, we’d find Rubik somewhere near the top of the pile. Solar, released here in the UK only now, has already been…