Two kinds of people in this world: those who would gladly take a bullet for Diana Ross, and unfeeling cyborgs who feast on the innocent…
Look, I don’t know about you, but I’m going to mailorder me some fresh death metal…
So many films fall short because their screenwriters forget to include an evil cult leader character around whom the whole plot revolves…
Picking up a sweet potato, pretending to be answering the phone #hello #youllhavetospeakup #hello…
News | Herman Dune, Peggy Sue, Sam Amidon for Willkommen Foxtrot 2011
Brighton-based collective Willkommen announce line-up for third annual Foxtrot festival held at stately home Stanmer House. Peggy Sue and Alessi’s ark will support headliners Herman Dune, alongside Sam Amidon, Nancy Elizabeth, This is the Kit and Hannah Peel.
Album | Josienne Clarke – One Light Is Gone
Everything about Josienne Clarke’s music, whether live or recorded, is proper folk. Her debut album One Light Is Gone resolutely champions an authentic acoustic sound and instantly gained heavy rotation on this listener’s daily commute. Josienne’s songs are traditional and…
Album | Marissa Nadler – Marissa Nadler
Marissa Nadler has been perfecting her blend of ethereal beauty for years now and in this, her self-titled latest offering, there’s no massive departure from what’s been before. But that’s by no means a bad thing. Nadler is the epitome…
Live | Sea of Bees @ Portland Arms, Cambridge, 13 July
Sea of Bees, aka Julie Ann Bee, is a musical entity so adorable you want to cuddle her, but her haunting, elegiac melodies leave you in no doubt she’s seen a bit of life – and boy has it hurt sometimes.
New Bands Panel | Sam Brookes
After winning an MTV talent contest with his old band The Volt, touring solo with Ray Davies, and a self-titled debut in the pipeline, the panel decided to check this rising star out… Tom White: The Devil has all the best…