It’s the 1950s again! Or is it the 60s? Or the 80s? It’s hard to tell. Violent Hearts, the debut album from Vancouver three-piece Shimmering Stars, is an album unapologetically moored in the past – not any specific past, though, or any…
Album | Stealing Sheep – I Am The Rain
Here in Somerset we have a long founded tradition, one that’s forged a rite of passage for many a disaffected reprobate. Sheep tossing. Without the wit to steal one of these roaming clouds, but the itch to do something, as…
Album | The Ridges – The Ridges
The Ridges call their music “orchestral folk rock”, and they’d very much like you to believe that that’s true. The opening track on their self-titled mini-album (as an aside, what makes a five track mini-album different to an EP? Answers…
Singles round-up | Joker’s Daughter, Dog is Dead, Let’s Buy Happiness, Urusen
Let’s Buy Happiness – Dirty Lakes After their ethereal debut with the single Six Wolves and its enchanting B side, Wood Rings, and their chirpy, rhythmic follow-up Fast Fast,, Let’s Buy Happiness have chosen to combine the two sounds for…
Kill It Kid – Feet Fall Heavy
I’ll admit I’ve had a habit, purely on the basis of their name, of getting Kill It Kid confused with To Kill A King. Talk of killing things starting with ‘k’ and links to Communion Records were enough to leave…
Live | Petra Jean Phillipson @ St Pancras Old Church
Petra Jean Phillipson’s MySpace page boldly states: ‘Notes On Love… is NOT for AIRHEADS’. If this first, experimental yet accessible, album wasn’t for airheads then second offering, Notes on Death, is NOT for anyone who believes songs should have such…