Category: Reviews

Live | Stars Of The Lid @ The Lantern, Bristol

As a green 17-year-old I attended an interview for a place at university. Noting Maths and English were among my A levels the interviewer asked, “Have you found any common ground between science and art?” Had I been aware of…

Album | Jenny Hval – Blood Bitch

Hval is a strange wonder. One of those who inhabits her own little universe. Tender and spooky might be how you would describe the cover and there is a sense of those feelings when listening to this music. The dark…

Album | Julia Jacklin – Dont Let the Kids Win

“It’s trying to figure out how to responsible when you don’t identify with who you were anymore” Julia Jacklin leaves a life of working in a essential oils factory well and truly behind on a debut album which is mature,…

Album | Seth Lakeman – Ballads of the Broken Few

Ballads of the Broken Few, Seth Lakeman’s eight solo album, sees the folk troubadour align himself with the Wildwood Kin, based in Devon, and whose voices add harmonies and warmth to the record. ‘Silence Reigns’ is a great example of…

Live | Mogwai @ Coventry Cathedral

Although June’s show in Hiroshima perhaps pipped it, filmmaker Mark Cousins and Mogwai couldn’t have chosen a better setting for the screening of Atomic, Living In Dread And Promise than Coventry Cathedral, which was decimated by Nazi airstrikes in 1940…

Album | Wilco – Schmilco

Wilco, despite being 10 albums into their career, are still a band to hang your hopes on. They’re not your typical band, most don’t make it this far, and the band’s past clearly reflects why these 6 guys still exist…

Live | Dan Owen @ St. Pancras Old Church, London

On a warm September evening we entered the beautiful and intimate confines of St Pancras Old Church. Here we were greeted by Irish singer-songwriter Eve Belle who kicked off the night with her lyrically driven whispy tones, alongside the gentle…

Album | Local Natives – Sunlit Youth

In seven years Local Natives have come a long way from the homemade, handmade vibe of Gorilla Manor to the slicker, synthier Sunlit Youth. The sound is bigger – synthesizers dominate the landscape. Matt Frazier’s drums are huge and the…

Album | Teenage Fanclub – Here

Even when sharing a label with Oasis in the 90s, Teenage Fanclub never bowed to fad and trend, beating a melodic path that didn’t mask their Big Star and Byrds obsession. Almost 30 years since their birth, they remain an…