Category: Reviews

Album | Louis Brennan – Dead Capital

Music and misery have long gone hand in hand. In his novel High Fidelity, Nick Hornby pairs the two in a chicken/egg ‘which came first?’ scenario. Certainly, we are moulded by the music we listen to as we grow up.…

Album | Snowpoet – Thought You Knew

When people mention “jazz” to today’s listeners, they will probably think about alternative monoliths like Kamasi Washington, or Colin Stetson. People who were young in the 90s will go as far as recalling the Detroit scene, Tortoise, Sea and Cake,…

Album | Anna Burch – Quit The Curse

Fans of Frontier Ruckus will certainly be stricken when they recognize the face of Anna Burch on the cover of her solo debut album. Anna Burch has been a touring member of the band from early on, but just recently…

Album | Andy Michaels – Revisited

Imagine that, right in front of you, you have all of the makings of a cobb salad splayed out on a counter. It’s just about time to blend all of these ingredients together to make a proper meal. You’ve got…

Album | Brett Randell – Rise

Brett Randell’s Rise EP begins with a soulful, sensuous inflection on one of his most celebrated singles, ‘The Waitress’. Calling to mind a hip folksiness akin to some of Jason Mraz’s early work, the 28-year-old New Yorker commands the stage in…

Album | Andrew Reed – If All the World Were Right

Andrew Reed’s newest album comes from a personal place, but thematically, it doesn’t at all touch on themes that would be foreign to anybody. It’s simply about life’s journey. Having experienced such tough, rough patches in his time on earth…

Album | Rowan Coupland – Circuit

A very few records exist that one can describe as “magical” – a very dangerous, double-edged attribute when it comes to music and art, as it can entail the deepest probing of the unconscious as well as the most kitsch,…

Album | Dave Allen – When The Demons Come

With his debut solo album, Toronto-based singer/songwriter Dave Allen establishes himself as a bona fide roots music auteur, transporting us to a place that to our modern perceptions will seem uncomfortably foreign, or conversely, all too real. Listeners previously heard…

Album | Ghost Music – I Was Hoping You’d Pass By Here

If indeed there were ghosts writing music, or just listening to it, the ones behind I Was Hoping You’d Pass By Here would the subdued, contemplative, but also inquisitive type one can find in, say, the recent movie ‘A Ghost…

Premiere | Cloud – Watch Your Mind Wander

Following the acclaim that they had received with their debut album Comfort Songs, Cloud’s Tyler Taormina and friends are prepping to release their newest effort, Plays With Fire, on 9 March. Prior to this, For Folk’s Sake is proud to present the…