Category: Reviews

Album | The Unthanks – Lines

Lines, a trilogy of song cycles from the Unthanks inspired by poetry and focusing on three female perspectives over time – World War One poets, Emily Bronte and Hull fishing worker Lillian Bilocca – is a staggering meeting of music…

Album | James Yorkston – The Route to the Harmonium

Living in the small fishing town of Cellardyke, Scotland, James Yorkston recorded his new album, The Route to the Harmonium, in his loft where fisherman had previously repaired their nets. Ultimately he recorded so much that he needed another set…

Album | William The Conqueror – Bleeding On The Soundtrack

Bleeding On The Soundtrack has a refreshingly brutal lyrical honesty, not surprising considering William The Conqueror’s second record deals with the chaos surrounding Ruarri Joseph’s life. While the first album dealt largely with growing up in rural Cornwall, this second…

Album | Young Hunting – True Believers

Young Hunting stand at the intersection between dream-pop and gothic folk. They’ve been standing there for a while, their first long player was released five and a half years ago. In order to stay alive in the interim, members of…

Album | Tiny Ruins – Olympic Girls

Holli Fulbrook has pursued her own path of artistic evolution. She is now on a different level with respect to the more intimate and traditional acoustic ballads of her debut, but she hasn’t given in to the allure of her…

Single | Sam Levin – Bookmark

Seven years since his artistic debut at 10-years-old, singer-songwriter Sam Levin predates the release of his forthcoming third album, A General Air of Regret, with a new single. To a certain degree, ‘Bookmark’ is classic Levin material, featuring a general air…

Album | The Day – Midnight Parade

You can quickly recognise Midnight Parade as a European release: for the pretty “standard” style, for the slightly dull expressivity, but also for its melodic exuberance. This is in fact the debut album by a German-Dutch couple, who met at…

Album | Deer Tick – Mayonnaise

Deer Tick aren’t just one band. Under the sobriquet Deervana, they’ve covered the music of Nirvana, and John McCauley served as a replacement Kurt Cobain (along with Joan Jett) during last October’s Foo Fighters Cal Jam Nirvana show with Dave…