Category: Reviews

Album: Teenage Fanclub – Shadows

In some ways reviewing this album feels a bit superfluous; fraudulent, even. If the point of a review is to convey what an album sounds like, I can sum it up in a five-word sentence: it sounds like Teenage Fanclub.…

Album: James Apollo – Hide Your Heart in a Hive

James Apollo’s third album Hide Your Heart in a Hive is one that will define his career as a musician. Apollo drifted across America like a young Bad Blake. He slept in his car and played a new town every…

Live: tUnE-yArDs @ The Scala, Wednesday 23rd June

Merill Garbus aka tUnE-yArDs, opened her set with a primal, African influenced sound blasting out of her mouth and seemingly, going on forever. Was that her real voice? No laptops, no effects, no nothing? As she loops her own voice…