Category: Reviews

Album: James Apollo – Hide Your Heart in a Hive

James Apollo’s third album Hide Your Heart in a Hive is one that will define his career as a musician. Apollo drifted across America like a young Bad Blake. He slept in his car and played a new town every…

Live: tUnE-yArDs @ The Scala, Wednesday 23rd June

Merill Garbus aka tUnE-yArDs, opened her set with a primal, African influenced sound blasting out of her mouth and seemingly, going on forever. Was that her real voice? No laptops, no effects, no nothing? As she loops her own voice…

Album: The Climbers – The Good Ship

The Climbers are made up of Nick Hemming and Christian Hardy of the Leisure Society, Tim West and a supporting cast of floating members, most of whom are members of other groups on the burgeoning Wilkommen Records. The existence of…

Album: Mountain Man – Made the Harbor

“Fans of complex instrumentation, look away now. This one’s not for you. Mountain Man are a three-woman band, formed at Bennington College, Vermont, who keep things simple. Don’t expect drums or keyboards or bass or banjos from their debut album,…