Category: Reviews

Singles Round-up | Dog Is Dead, Alberta Cross, Alexander Wolfe, Tashaki Miyaki, James Canty & Church School

Dog is Dead – Glockenspiel Song When I was first this track I did a double take; wasn’t this quirky, upbeat pop number from Nottingham was released two years ago? It turns out I was right – after releasing ‘Glockenspiel…

EP | Bonnie Prince Billy – Now Here’s My Plan

I sometimes wonder what it would be like if modern songs were given the kind of interpretative renditions born by traditional music – if more cover versions consciously shaped meaning, like Bellowhead, rather than merely adapting style, like the Mystery…

Album | Moulettes – The Bear’s Revenge

From the opening notes of the frantic opening single, Sing Unto Me, the Moulettes sophomore release The Bear’ Revenge sweeps you up into a world of traditional sounds made suddenly fresh. Georgina Leach’s stunning violin playing, Hannah Miller’s cello, banjos,…

Album | Lawrence Arabia – The Sparrow

Lawrence Arabia, the moniker chosen by Kiwi James Milne, returns with a fantastic new album entitled The Sparrow. Previous album Look Like A Fool hinted at a Beck esque approach in his low-fi production effects but underlying this was a…

Album | Firefly Burning – Lightships

Firefly Burning remind me of Dirty Projectors in their musicianship and clear intention to do genre-bending things; sparks of piano, strings, metallic gamelan percussion and choral voices make this album implacably weird. Their experiments don’t always come off; songs self-sabotage…

EP | Al Lewis – Our Lines Remain

Following on from last year’s In The Wake, North Wales singer-songwriter Al Lewis is preparing for the release of the follow-up later this year and has delivered the first taste in the shape of Our Lines Remain, a lovely little…

Album | Angus Stone – Broken Brights

Angus Stone, the brother contingent of brother and sister duo Angus and Julia Stone, makes his return to solo-dom this summer, and a rather lovely return it is. Both of the Stone siblings started out as solo acts, using each…