Category: Reviews

Album | Bhi Bhiman – Bhiman

Bhi Bhiman’s voice is distinct and powerful. In fact, his delivery is as textured and girthy as the mighty redwood trees near his home in San Francisco. Apologies for the hyperbole, but both the above sentences offer insight into Bhiman’s…

Live | Pocktoberfest @ Pocklington Old Railway Station

Pock’n’Roll. Pock and awe. Pock ’til you drop. Top of the Pocks. The only thing better than attempting a bit of word play relating to Pocktoberfest was actually being there. You may not have heard of Pocktoberfest. You probably haven’t…

EP | Simone Felice – New York Times EP

After years of producing outstanding records with the Felice Brothers and The Duke & The King, Simone Felice’s debut solo album fell a little short. When it hit its highs, it was beautiful (look no further than opener Hey Bobby…

Singles Round-up | Pistols At Dawn, Grass House, MAIA, Pipers, Mt. Wolf

Pistols At Dawn – Man.Wolf.Man The centrepiece bass on this recording-project-turned-band’s latest single is so like the brooding bass line on ‘Come Together’ it’s uncanny, but its goes far beyond its bluesy sound. The track’s scuffling brush beats, jangling acoustics…

EP | Tiny Birds – Local History

Tiny Birds, tiny portions. This London quintet deal in brevity, following up their eight-song, 25-minute debut album Hymns For The Careless with this new five-track EP. While not straying too far from the folk-pop template that has got them this…

EP | Tom Odell – Songs From Another Love

Two years ago, when I worked at former digital radio station Amazing Radio, Tom Odell and his band Tom & the Tides were a staple of the airwaves with his song ‘Spider’. This was a towering choral number with serious…