Category: Reviews

Album | Avi Buffalo – At Best Cuckold

You could be forgiven for having forgotten about this band. Avi Buffalo’s wonderful and summery debut hit like an early decade bullet to the senses. It wasn’t just the sound and how good the songs were, but the potential the…

Live | Arc Iris @ Rough Trade East, London

Arc Iris played Rough Trade East this week to a smattering of indie-folk fans. There aren’t more than 30 people looking at the stage, and some of those are standing noncommittaly behind the protection of the first row of records,…

Album | Dry The River – Alarms in the Heart

Returning with the follow up to 2012’s Shallow Bed, Dry the River have created an album much fuller in sound and vision in Alarms in the Heart, which should see them please old fans and attract new ones along the…

Live | End of the Road Festival 2014

End of the Road, Festival, 2014, review

People who go to End of the Road festival are just better than other people. They’re kinder, they’re cleverer, and they have unendingly beautiful souls. Apart from the guy standing next to us at tUnE yArDs on Sunday afternoon who…

EP | Keston Cobblers Club – A Pocket Guide to Escaping 

Any new Keston Cobblers Club release is met with great joy in our household. After ‘discovering’ the band and their multi-instrumental talents at Glastonbury 2013, their songs have become a staple of playlists and car journeys, so much so that our…

Album | The Sea The Sea – Love We Are We Love

The Sea The Sea is in itself a curious name. Is it taken from the Iris Murdoch novel from the late seventies, or some separate inspiration? It conjures images of beautiful nature and the repetitive band name signifies the weight…