Following a breakout UK visit earlier this summer, Australian artist William Crighton sat down with For Folk’s Sake as part of our ongoing ‘FFS 5’ interview series. Albeit brisk, the singer-songwriter’s answers offer us a window to peer through into his artistic life and disposition.
Lauded by the Evening Standard during a previous visit to the United Kingdom with a headline like ‘International Stardom Beckons’, Crighton’s warbling baritone lends itself well to the captivating, unusual disposition of his forward-driving roots rock.
Please tell us a bit about yourself. Where are you from and how did you get started in music? Any defining moments along the path to present day?
I’m from Australia, a place in south west NSW called the Riverina. (Wiradjuri Nation). I started singing in church. My grandmother would take my brother and I. I was 5 or 6.
Defining moments… Every day’s a defining moment for better or worse. My mum gave me my first guitar, it was her nylon string from when she was a kid, That set me on the path.
As an artist, how do you define success?
Being a part of a good group of people, Not compromising art, playing to a audience who enjoy the music and keep come back, being able to make a living from it.
What do you find to be your greatest struggle when it comes to the music business?
Like most developing businesses, cash flow is always the toughest.
If you could only play ONE of your songs for the rest of your career, which one would it be?
That’s a hard one. Probably ‘Priest’.
Outside of music, what do you like to do that you feel contributes to the creativity that you tap into for your music?
Growing veggies, spending time in the bush, exploring places new to me.
Words by: Jonathan Frahm