Laura Marling treated fans to a surprise performance at an instore at Rough Trade East in Brick Lane last night.
Author: Lynn Roberts
Lynn founded For Folk's Sake in 2008. Her favourite artists are Joni Mitchell, The Leisure Society and The Mountain Goats. She plays keyboards in Joe Innes & the Cavalcade.
Album: Aidan Moffat – How To Get To Heaven From Scotland
“I want you, I’m stupid. Don’t blame me, blame cupid – his aims never been all that hot. But he hit both with our hearts with his random wee darts, my love you just got what you got.”
So sings Aidan Moffat in his lovable Scottish tones on A Scenic Route to the Isle of Ewe from his new album. As Valentines Day inspired declarations of love go it doesn’t quite set the soul aflame with the aching heat of romance. But that’s not what Aidan’s here
Jay Jay Pistolet to support Noah and the Whale on UK tour
Jay Jay Pistolet has been confirmed as support for Noah and the Whale on their springtime UK tour.
First Aid Kit hit London for three February shows
First Aid Kit will be arriving to patch up London town with an instore set at Pure Groove Records on Monday February 23rd at 1:15 pm. Yes, this is lunchtime and yes, it’s a Monday, but we put it to you, FFS fans, that we can fill that wee record shop with like-minded individuals and make Monday that little bit brighter. These special Swedish siblings will delight your ears with their simmering harmonies and light-as-the breeze melodies.
For Folk’s Sake Interview: Emmy the Great
“If you get referred to with other artists you really don’t agree with then you feel like their politics might besmirch yours.”
Album Review: Le Reno Amps – Tear It Open
Tear It Open is the forthcoming album from Scotland’s ‘Le Reno Amps’ – a band that, in its own words, tries “to write songs with all the fat cut off so you can savour their buttery goodness”. Ironic then that a band setting out such noble intentions should produce music that fails to either please or repell.
EP Review: Kevin Pearce – Light Song EP
There’s an ethereal quality to Kevin Pearce’s voice which penetrates even the foggiest of minds. Light Song, the singer’s first EP, is a short collection of carefully crafted songs which call on many influences. Pearce lists Tim Buckley, Nick Drake and Leonard Cohen amongst his favourites, and the soft religiosity created by the combination of his raw vocals and melancholy song-writing is sure to win him favour among fans of those artists.
Single: Jeremy Warmsley – If He Breaks Your Heart
First of all let me say you would not like Mr Warmsley to be your girlfriend’s brother. While the London singer songwriter may appear serene and twee, at the heart he is clearly an imbalanced individual. Or at least that is the case if you believe the unnerving lyrics of his latest effort, If He Breaks Your Heart, complete with menaces and threats aplenty served up in a beautiful melodic plate. Imagine the Krays asking for money while performing the Bolero and you’re close.
Album: Animal Collective – Merriweather Post Pavillion
Great artists don’t come immaculately conceived; it just seems that way. Really, they spend years listening, absorbing, and developing their craft. So it is with Animal Collective.
Single Review: Le Reno Amps – Outlaws
With a riff that gallops between a Johnny Cash track and the original Batman theme, though granted with more grit and less kitsch, this track is throwaway but accomplished jam.