Author: Bob Fish

Album | Neil Young – Oceanside Countryside

Defining Neil Young is a fool’s task. Whatever Young you choose to describe only hints at the mercurial musician who has recorded everything from the gentlest of acoustic music to the almost unlistenable sounds residing on ARC. The 10 recordings…

Album | Polly Paulusma – Wildfires

Polly Paulusma’s new album, Wildfires, goes against the grain. In an age of limited attention spans and content digested in quick doses, she has released a sprawling collection; 19 songs, each with a prologue that runs anywhere from 45-seconds to…

Album | Patterson Hood – Exploding Trees and Airplane Screams

The gestation period for Patterson Hood’s Exploding Trees and Airplane Screams runs about 40 years. Which means events from his past have rung and stung him in different ways than they would have if some of the events described in…

Album | Nadia Reid – Enter Now Brightness

Tracking all the changes Nadia Reid has gone through since her last album, Out of My Province came out in 2020, it becomes obvious we are dealing with a very different woman, one who has had a series of changes.…

Album | Bonnie “Prince” Billy – The Purple Bird

Bonnie “Prince” Billy marches to his own beat. As a musician he’s recorded with everyone from Johnny Cash to Bitchin Bajas, he’s acted in John Sayle’s movie Matewan and appeared with Zach Galifianakis in a Kayne West video. He does…

Album | Tunng – Love You All Over Again

Tunng albums transcend time. They don’t fit in a pattern of what’s popular at any particular moment. They use elements that seem to be ridiculously out of place, forming an off kilter whole residing in a world of its own.…

Album | Lucinda Williams – Sings the Beatles from Abbey Road

Lucinda Williams hasn’t always walked the straightest road. Since 2020 she’s survived a tornado, the pandemic and a stroke that has to date kept her from playing the guitar. She’s also released two albums of her own work, and six…

Album | the innocence mission – Midwinter Swimmers

Sometimes the name of a band says it all. Exuding a childlike sense of joy and wonder, the innocence mission evoke memories and marvel on Midwinter Swimmers. Memories of days long past, and marvel that we live in a world…