Ryan Adams’ output over the last 15 years of his solo career has been nothing short of prolific, with a string of albums complimented by an array of one-off singles and side-projects. Perhaps it’s no surprise then that when he…
We know all about Laura Marling’s love for Ryan Adams from her early, more candid songwriting days, so we can imagine how excited she must’ve been to record this version of his song Oh My Sweet Carolina. Ryan says when…
Great news for Ryan Adams fans who have grown tired of his attempts to become a) a rapper b) a metal-head or, more recently, c) invisible. The news is Ryan is back, acoustic guitar in hand and singing actual songs…
Despite what anyone says, despite all the distinctly average albums since, Ryan Adams is a genius. Let’s go back nearly ten years to September 2000 and Heartbreaker, his un-missable, un-skippable debut album. Fourteen — well fifteen if you include the…