Still got money to burn after reading part one of our shopping guide? Then step this way. We’ll help you spend it. PLEASE NOTE: The prices are the ones we’ve been given – but please don’t blame us if things…
This week Brian’s been completely and utterly unaffected by the volcanic ash cloud. He’s not even been subject to a light dusting, the lucky bird. He has, however, been following the news with avid interest and has concluded that all…
Safely installed in his cosy nest, Brian’s been musing on how great his winged neighbours are. Birds are a splendid bunch – lots of them sing (although admittedly with varying levels of success), some of them are darned attractive (Mr…
We were already big fans of Laura Marling’s work here at FFS, but her soon-to-be-released second album I Speak Because I Can has propelled our fandom further skyward. And as if her increasingly-great songwriting wasn’t enough, we also hugely admire…