Dear readers, This week I present to you a playlist of which I am particularly proud. The subject was born from the many celebrations my dear friend Elizabeth has been inspiring of late, and the many, many toasts we have…
So you probably already knew Kimya Dawson was an awesome songwriter and lyricist, ex-Moldy Peach, soundtrack composer, Bundles member, mother to Panda and entertainer of children via Alphabutt. But you’re likely to be unaware of her talent for bashing out…
Whether or not they should be described as ‘Antifolk’ seems to be a matter of debate; however, one thing is for certain – The Bundles is a remarkable concoction of musicians who each owe something to the collaborative, supportive musical community based…
‘Supergroup’ is such a hideous term, sullied as it has been by a deluge of well-meaning yet utterly annoying charity singles, that it seems crass to use it to describe something as wonderful as The Bundles. Yet use it we must, for…
Following last week’s shameful booze-fuelled fiasco, Brian’s plunged like a lead balloon into a pit of depression so deep and wide that it’s been necessary to rescue him from his slum of a nest and reinstall him (temporarily, we hope)…