We came across Ben Phillips through his intriguing artwork on Peggy Sue’s releases. But his involvement with the London folk crowd doesn’t stop there. The Camberwell-based artist has been prolific over the past few years, providing artwork and posters for…
Tag: Jeffrey Lewis
Hear Jeffrey Lewis reveal his comic book secrets
Most will know him best for singing charmingly odd little ditties about mosquitos, oral sex and ghouls; but anyone who has spent time hanging about the merch stall at a Jeffrey Lewis gig will also know that he is a highly…
Brian’s Mixtape #35: Leave the Animals Out of It
Following a delectable week of Joni Mitchell, Brian’s allowed his hippy side out of the oak tree for a pad around the forest floor. Now, don’t get Brian wrong: he’s not about to give up his beloved dormouse suppers. He…
FFS interview: The Bundles
Whether or not they should be described as ‘Antifolk’ seems to be a matter of debate; however, one thing is for certain – The Bundles is a remarkable concoction of musicians who each owe something to the collaborative, supportive musical community based…
Brian’s Mixtape #31: All at Sea
This week Brian’s been completely and utterly unaffected by the volcanic ash cloud. He’s not even been subject to a light dusting, the lucky bird. He has, however, been following the news with avid interest and has concluded that all…
The Bundles: the ultimate Antifolk team tour the UK
‘Supergroup’ is such a hideous term, sullied as it has been by a deluge of well-meaning yet utterly annoying charity singles, that it seems crass to use it to describe something as wonderful as The Bundles. Yet use it we must, for…
Brian’s Mixtape #28: Talkin’ ‘Bout A Revolution
Our regular readers will be pleased to hear that Brian’s got himself together now. He’s decided to stop all this wallowing and introversion and turn his thoughts to more important matters. Brian’s as concerned as any of us about the…
Brian’s Mixtape #25: Hello, Sunshine
Every discerning folk fan’s foul of choice, Brian Wilson II, is pleased to announce that spring has most definitely sprung. He’s spent most of the morning being dragged around a meadow by a fresh-born lamb in whose fleece his talons…
Brian’s Monday Playlist #2: Brian’s Pick of the Scmercuries
Brian’s been agonising over our Schmercuries shortlist this weekend, trying to work out which of the wonderful albums to vote for in our poll. Sadly, FFS’s resident owl is quite the procrastinator, so what he’s actually done is pick his favourite song from each album. Whilst this hasn’t helped him make his mind up, it has produced a lovely little playlist to be shared with his friends on the interweb.
Jeffrey Lewis announces UK tour
Jeffrey Lewis and the Junkyard are returning to the UK for another tour, aiming to hit all the towns they missed out last time around. Although the guys are perhaps underestimating the width and breadth of our fair isle, they’re definitely giving it all they’ve got with this rather packed schedule