Long-time FFS readers will no doubt remember Gibson Bull (AKA Tom), who wowed us all with his outstanding songwriting and Americana stylings some time ago. Well, we have good news and good news. The good news is that he’s back,…
One of the things we love most about The Society of the Golden Slippers events is that we get to see amazing emerging artists in a small, intimate venue that looks like Oscar Wilde’s living room (we saw Jake Bugg…
The excellent Gibson Bull and Carmen have put together this gorgeous video for the song they donated to For Folk’s Sake It’s Christmas 2012. Here’s ‘The Holly and the Ivy’… As though that’s not enough festive loveliness, we’re delighted to…
We first found Gibson Bull back in 2010, propping up a bar in the American deep south swigging whiskey with Woody Guthrie and The Civil Wars. Actually that last part was a lie, but his world-worn, country tones really…
FFS is delighted to announce the tracklist for our third charity Christmas album, For Folk’s Sake It’s Christmas 2012. We’ve got original songs from the likes of Ellen & the Escapades, Tom Williams (of ‘& the Boat’ fame) and Admiral…
Few artists to have been covered by our New Bands Panel have brought about as good a reaction as Gibson Bull, so we were excited to hear a new track from him this week. The London singer-songwriter has started work…