If Georgia Ruth needed an angle to stand out from the crowd, she has it in her instrument of choice. Harpists are in short supply these days, with the only other one that springs to mind being Joanna Newsom, and the Californian already comes loaded with so many other wonderful quirks that she can hardly be considered a reference point for anyone. Ruth’s story is far more straightforward, raised on the west Wales coastline listening to the likes of Sandy Denny as she gazed out to sea.
It is an image that easily comes to mind listening to her debut EP In Luna. Ruth’s fine voice floats above a bed of harp, piano and vibraphones to create a shimmering sound, the instrumentation delicate like china but gently resonant. Ruth claims Van Morrison’s Astral Weeks and Tim Buckley’s Once I Was as her primary influences during the recording, and the record that results has something of a timeless quality, shorn of modern tricks but not sounding out of date either.
‘Bones’, with its splashes of piano, is the highlight of an EP which marks Ruth out with an artist with plenty of potential, and one whose only gimmick is the quality of her songs.
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